Behavioral Health Crisis Call Training

Tools Used: Articulate Storyline, Adobe Audition

Roles Played: Proposed the solution, wrote the scripts for the simulated demos, recorded and edited the demo audio, chose sound effects, inserted into Articulate, designed and developed the entire Articulate prototype and development coding. Provided voiceover for select slides. Tested the course, loaded to Cornerstone LMS, tested acceptance in the LMS and tracked and distributed completion reports.

Problem: The Behavioral Health department was wanting to improve the ability for its new customer service support staff to better triage both potential and real crisis calls from its members who were calling to report events.

Actions: I proposed that we have Behavioral Health leadership come up with some of the more common scenarios that its agents faced day to day. We used Articulate to present the scenario in a simulated customer service setting, present screencasts of where to go in the system and the correct actions to take for various call triage types.

Results: Triage mistakes as reported by Quality Department went down over 25% for the four quarters following deployment of the training.

Author: Kevin Cassidy

ELearning Instructional Designer / Developer with a formal education in television and broadcast communications, specializing in media based training, screen casting, micro learning, software simulations and documentation, video-based learning, Learning Management Systems and corporate SharePoint intranets.